Freedom of Religion under threat for Protestants in France
Freedom of Religion in France
Mr Gérald DarmaninMinister of Interior
Ministère de l’Intérieur
Place Beauveau
78008 Paris
31st March 2021
OPEN LETTER (Recorded Delivery)
Dear Minister,
We are writing to you following your comments in opposition to evangelical Protestant Christians, whether French citizens or otherwise, residing in France.
You declared publicly on French national radio on 2nd February 2021 that ‘evangelicals are a very important problem’ in France. You also went on to say that you would not converse with those who say and believe that ‘the law of God is superior to the law of the Republic’.
Concerning your first statement, may we respectfully state that those who adhere to the teaching of the Holy Bible and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ do not represent a problem at all but on the contrary are among those who can contribute to the resolution of the problem of radical Islam in France. Indeed the salvation of Muslim extremists, as of any man or woman, is not to be found in violence, but in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth and the life, since no one can come to the Father but by Him (Gospel of John chapter 14 verse 6). It is therefore to the advantage of the French authorities and the French people to leave evangelicals to propagate the Word of God in France.
Concerning your second statement, there is no doubt that the Bible and particularly the ten commandments, are superior to all the laws of the French Republic. The very foundation of all the laws of the Republic is based on our precious Judeo-Christian heritage. To refuse to acknowledge this reality is to deny what constitutes the specificity and grandeur of France, a country which recognises the inalienable rights and freedoms of man created in God’s image.
With all due respect, we kindly urge you, Minister, to abstain from using this kind of language which undermines the honour and consideration of evangelical Protestant Christians serving the interests of France and its people.
We thank you in advance for your understanding.
Yours sincerely,
Axel Schmidt Robert Campbell
Legal Consultant Managing Director